Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day Four already?

And the fourth workout...

This is a Roundup format.  Every round you add and see how many rounds you can do.

30 min time limit:

 +1 Pushup
 +1 Knees to Elbows
 +1 Kettlebell Swing (45 lbs)
 +1 Leg Lift
 +1 Pullup
+10 Jump Ropes

I made it through 11 rounds and time ran out as I finished my 12th round of Kettlebell swings.

The first four rounds were so easy I thought I had 90 rounds easy.  Sadz!!!

Good luck Kiddies,



Sherrie G said...

Awesome. Sounds challenging! I LOVE these kinds of workouts. However, I've never gone above 10. Way to go, dude!!

DarkArashi said...

Smart Lady. Wish I had stopped at 10.