Thursday, December 4, 2008

How the mighty fall

Oh dudes...

It is the really small things in the life that seem to kick my butt. About a month ago, I caught a little bug. Congested, coughy, sneezy, itchy eye type thing. Lasted a few days, but the worse was losing my stamina. Nearly a month later, i still have a slight cough...(Free to a good home, any takers) and still no stamina.

This is why I despise illness of any kind. My family and relatives believe in the equation of the older you get, the weaker you become. Being the Black Sheep, i believe different. The older, the excuses. I see illness as a warning sign that there is a weakness in my being. Not so much body weakness, but weakness in my vigilance of mind or spirit. Still working these bugs out. PUN intended.

Monday, November 3, 2008

My bet, Won!

Six weeks ago I was involved in an argument over the concept of men being genetically stronger than women. It was an interesting argument and a bet came into existence. The bet was whether or not two women could go from doing no pushups to 10 in 9 weeks.

This is a pretty tough task, almost insurmountable for someone who cannot even do one pushup. Time and support was provided to make sure there were no excuses at the end of the time limit.

These two women, we'll call them Robin and Cyndee to protect the innocent, dealt with frustration in this task. Such excitement when they did their first pushup, true pushup. But ten of them were a long way off.

After five weeks, Robin nailed ten pushups. Cyndee did it in six weeks. I won the bet.

My contention is that the environment is what makes people weak, not genetics. Do not get me wrong, men are genetically stronger, but the difference is minor. It is the way we are raised. Females are told not to be unladylike, not to be a tomboy, you'll get hurt.

It is the environment in which we are raised that determines are strengths and weaknesses. People see me now and think I have always had great strength and phenomanal speed. No. I had thin blood as a child and was told i would never be strong. I know how people feel when they face the impossible. It is only impossible if no one has been stubborn enough, spiteful enough or just faithful enough to try.

Best advice I can give is for anyone, is to sharpen your axes and charge forth. No retreat, no surrender...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

First, only and last official political viewpoint

Here come de Rant:

I am bombarded daily with radio, TV, emails, friends, enemies and even facebook about the political climate. &%$k that!!!!!

REPUBLICANS: John McCain. Senator...blah...blah...blah. Meh. Just what we need, another old geezer to run our country into the ground. Could really care less, until he ditched Letterman to hang with Katy Couric. Being a guy, i can appreciate chasing Katy. She is holding fine. But the problem i have is this: if you are going to work for me, work! Don't be handing me a lame excuse and go off chasing tail. We'll have issues. Issues that will prompt responses like "You're &%$king fired. Yeah, that's right. See how much tail attract when you can't afford the bling!" Nope, don't like him. I disapprove.

DEMOCRATS: Barack Obama. Senator...blah...blah...blah. Meh. I the only thing I remember from the Democratic charley foxtrot was a black man running against a woman for the endorsement. Whatevs....Don't remember what they stood for, just that we have a "minority" candidate that could be the next president. Um...not that i am against "minorities", but we have 43 presidents that have proved it is not about a specific gender or color that brought this country to where it is today. Yep, insert BS comment right here. Nope, not excited.

I am not a republican, nor democrat. Not really christian or muslim, nor even "taste great" or "less filling" I am an Anarchist. I embrace Chaos. Here is how i see it. Republicans and Democrats are simply different sides of the same bad penny. Time to dump all the pennies. Speaking of pennies, how much money has been raised, begged, borrow and stolen to elect one of these fine gentlemen to president? Anyone keeping track? And is this taxable? We may need it to bail the country out.

Offended yet? Time to stop reading cuz I am going brown-water rafting on poop creek now.

Prop 8, Prop 8, Prop 8...&%$k Prop 8. Lemme ask you a question: Didn't we whip ass on the Nazi back in the 40's? How the hell does this crap get to the point we vote on it? I just watched a youtube video about some parent's that are upset because their kindergarten child is being taught about gay marriage.

I do not have any objections to them voicing their opinion. It is our privilege. I say voice it, then get over it...then shut it. Also, get your video off the internet. All your kid's friends are going to see it and your child will be in child hell. Did I mention, "SHUT IT"? good.

My job is dealing with Architects, and Engineers. People licensed by the state to build your homes, buildings, bridges, etc. I know engineers that cannot spell. I know architects that cannot do math. I have proof. My question is: Why the F&%$ are we teaching kids about marriage? What happened to reading, writing and arithmetic?! For F&%$ SAKE!!!!

Just for the record, I do consider marriage important. As matter of fact, I prefer to teach it myself to my children, rather than have some state poorly run program doing it. Back in my day, sex-ed was self taught. I turned out fine, and have a fine pair of biceps from the experience.

Kooky idea. Let us be proactive in the education system. How about we teach the kids how to shoot guns, stab critical areas of the body. And let's teach them the difference between a proper Allah-fearing Muslim and these bullshit scum that get their rocks off on killing and torturing people. Yeah, we can have a monthly "Kill a terrorist day" and hang their burned, decapitated corpses from the nearest bridge. I am liking this. I approve.

If you are now offended, feel free to return to your home country. That is if they will take your spoiled rotten ass back.

Prop 8 sucks...Faceless Nazi suck...

If you have read this far and are offended, you suck too. Tell you what, here is how you can help solve the problems in this country. Go look in the mirror and ask why you are offended. Once you solve that problem, you can help others to look into the mirror.

I would be more willing to vote if say we had, Prop 9. No more war. I have never seen this on the ballots. I think we should forget about hiring a new president and all the BS props out there. Let's vote on getting out of Iraq or making it a 53ish state and tax the hell out of it. And all the money that is save from Political ads can help with the 700 Bajillion dollar bailout.

There we go, problem solved. Oh, and no more hating.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Ascending the Mountain is not a difficult concept to understand. The difficulty comes from putting it into practice every moment. Let us start at the beginning, when you first begin your ascent. You look up the mountain and see tons of people already ahead of you on the path.

Their advice and insights are flawless to your pathway up the mountain. They point out handholds and where to place your feet. As you gain in mastery, the advice flows less. The pathway and handholds become unclear. Your ascent slows as you painstakingly struggle upward without support.

This is the true test of the Ronin. When you look up the mountain and the next handhold is nine feet above you. An impossible leap when you cling to a sheer face. Most will backtrack and lose their way. Some try a different course. One or two will make the insane leap, catching the handhold. As you dangle, you noticed new handholds you missed from your previous vantage point.

Ascending the mountain is not easy. That is why the higher you go, less people there are. It takes a great deal of faith to climb when your guidepost is the impossible. This is the path of the Ronin. Not to sit idly and gaze up the mountain, but to forsake comfort and seek out the secrets of the ascent.

Time to climb....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ronin for Hire

Ronin 4 Hire is officially launched.

Ronin translates to "wave men". These masterless samurai were like the powerful currents in the ocean. They came, changed status quo and they went. I know the term ronin has had outlaws, thugs, yakuza and people of questionable character lumped in together.

Now Ronin means "masterless student". We study, we train and we outgrow the current teaching curriculum.

While I have been a teacher, I do consider myself more of a guide. Teachers tend to strut around saying "Do as I say, not as I do!" I simply point as a guide and say "There is the mountain, start climbing." Oh, and I always have a handy ice pack ready for when people fall.

I do wish to spread this wave among Ronin. Pass this blog out to any who considered themselves masterless students. Through information, insights and rants, I can guide one to the ultimate master. (Careful, they have a tendency to be the meanest ever!!!)
