Friday, January 20, 2012

Good luck

One of my friends recently turned 52 and requested a workout for her birthday.  She is a real nice lady and if you ever meet her, you will swear she looks 32.  (So don't call BS on me...feel free to call it on her though.)

I went through this one myself and believe me...turning 52 is tough.

Good Luck! (the workout)

1 Super Squat Combo
14 Pushups (or hold Plank for 14 seconds)
14 Leg Lifts
14 Thrusters with 25lb dumbells.  (man, I hate these m-f'ers)
     or sub in Push-Press or squats or whatever else that sucks for you.
14 Ring Rows.

Rinse and repeat for 4 rounds total.

My time is 14:42

Oh, and Miss Kaye turned in the fastest time.  I still believe she is lying about her age.
