Monday, November 3, 2008

My bet, Won!

Six weeks ago I was involved in an argument over the concept of men being genetically stronger than women. It was an interesting argument and a bet came into existence. The bet was whether or not two women could go from doing no pushups to 10 in 9 weeks.

This is a pretty tough task, almost insurmountable for someone who cannot even do one pushup. Time and support was provided to make sure there were no excuses at the end of the time limit.

These two women, we'll call them Robin and Cyndee to protect the innocent, dealt with frustration in this task. Such excitement when they did their first pushup, true pushup. But ten of them were a long way off.

After five weeks, Robin nailed ten pushups. Cyndee did it in six weeks. I won the bet.

My contention is that the environment is what makes people weak, not genetics. Do not get me wrong, men are genetically stronger, but the difference is minor. It is the way we are raised. Females are told not to be unladylike, not to be a tomboy, you'll get hurt.

It is the environment in which we are raised that determines are strengths and weaknesses. People see me now and think I have always had great strength and phenomanal speed. No. I had thin blood as a child and was told i would never be strong. I know how people feel when they face the impossible. It is only impossible if no one has been stubborn enough, spiteful enough or just faithful enough to try.

Best advice I can give is for anyone, is to sharpen your axes and charge forth. No retreat, no surrender...