Sunday, January 16, 2011

Over the hill

I believe the definition of frustration should be changed to, "standing around helplessly watching the world dissolve into a ooze of stress and unhealth...and having the key to reverse it."

oh, "and sitting in traffic."

I have had two separate people over the past few months tell my I am now over the hill in age.  I hear this a lot but these two people are ten and twenty years my junior and they were suffering from either flu or cold or both.

We use to call warriors like myself Long Fangs back in the day, old timers grizzled and scarred by combat.   They didn't move very well, but their experience made up for their decrease in strength and speed.

So I train to be my best.  Some days not so easy, but this is the true essence of strength.  If you ask me the last time I was sick....I have to sit and count on both hands the years.  What really makes me sick is how much is spent in the health care field; treatments, doctor visits, insurance, etc.  One article suggests the figure of 2.3 trillion spent.   A trillion?  Isn't that like a gazillion million?

I know I did not spend that much last year on "health care", but I am sure I spent it on being healthy.  My whole philosophy is to train to be healthy and to provide the best example of living well.  My first example was Jack LaLanne.  Remember him?  Back in the day of black and white TV?  The dude has been preaching body weight exercise and confusion principle longer than any of us.  And he is still alive, 96 years old.  Old fart still swims and pulls boats.  Boats full lazy couch taters.

I do not harbor any hope of stepping up to his fine example, I just do the best I can.  I realize it seems I show off, but I wish to inspire students to step up to my level.  I have like 5 different workout levels to keep the body going;

Daggum, he is f-ing crazy
Tell my loved one, I am not going to make this mission

We do a lot of the easy and medium workouts and occasionally a hard one.  I watch students stagger away wondering if this is all worth it.  It is.  They do not realize how far they have come, going from no pushups to 20 pushups at full range.

So, as I ponder the comment "you are over the hill", I say HELL YEAH!  Now that I am past the hills, I can truly start climbing the mountain.  What about you?  Feeling strong enough to follow the Long Fang, or is the couch just too coozy?