Monday, January 20, 2014

Oh, monday!

Monday Madness coming right up.

Here is the workout.

30 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

  10 Knees to Elbows
  15 Pushups
  10 Pulllups
  15 Thrusters (with 50lbs)
100 Jump ropes (with 1lb rope)

I made it through five rounds and only had 78 Jump ropes left on round 6.  Sadz!!!

Good luck with this beastie!!!


Monday, January 13, 2014

Cold Start

Aiya!!!  Monday can be such a hard start.

Here you go, a Master's AMRAP 30 minutes.

Danila Komlev
Knees to Elbows
Thrusters (50lbs)
Right arm single Row (70lbs)
Left arm single Row (70lbs)
Leg Lifts
50 Jump ropes (1lb rope)

The goal here is to max out your pushups with perfect form.  Then use that number through the rest of the exercises.  My numbers were 25, 16, 12, 17.  I finished with 4 seconds to spar.  (spent staggering over for more pushups really)

Good luck,


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Who turned up the gravity?

Feeling heavy today.  What is the best cure?  Try this workout.

I call it Yojimbo Usagi (based on the "disapproving bunny" workout)

4 Rounds
100 Jump Ropes (with 2lb jump rope)
50 Kettlebell swings (with 45lb KB)

I staggered through it in 20:58.

Good luck with this beast.


Monday, January 6, 2014

Back to work(ing out)

by Tsukku
Today is an easy workout in concept.

We call it a Tabata Squared.  What it is, is eight exercises for eight rounds.

You can do this in any order...does not matter, there is no easy way.

I did the following with numbers:

Sprints (24 feet)               58
Pushups                           67
Left arm single Rows        50 @ 70 for 4 rounds and 50 for 4 rounds
Jump Ropes                    300 with 1lb jumprope
Burpees                           28
Kettlebell Swings             63  @ 45lbs
Knees to Elbows             64
Right arm single Rows      50 @ 70 for 4 rounds and 50 for 4 rounds

Remember, this is 8 rounds at 20 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest.

Good luck
