Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kinda of a pick your poison type workout

Here is a doozey for you.

You have a 30 minute time limit.  Should be plenty

At each level A thru E you need to complete a total of 80 reps in four rounds (i.e. all your "A" exercise need to total 80 max).  My numbers are in Parenthesis.  Each round 1 thru 3 is done to your max and then you move on.  No rest and then restart the exercise.  You can rest in between rounds and even in between different exercise, but remember your time limit.  It goes really fast.

Round 1
A One-arm Pushups-Total of Left and right arm     (18)
B Squats                                                               (40)
C Wrestlers                                                           (32)
D Alternate Leg Lifts-both legs count as one set    (25)
E Pullups                                                              (12)

Round 2
A Pushups                                                             (28)
B Side Squats-Total each leg                                  (20)
C Crunches (Wrestlers with out the hand support)  (22)
D Leg Lifts                                                            (30)
E Ring Rows                                                           (16)

Round 3
A Diamond Pushups              (18)
B Frog Jumps                       (12)
C Wrestlers                          (20)
D Hanging Knees to Chest      (8)
E Pullups                              (10)

Yeah, arms are not to happy right now.  Now round 4, where we finish out the 80 count.
Round 4  
A Vertical Fist Pushup                 (16)  Whew!
B Front Lunge-Total both legs      (8)  Whew!
C Superman rolls                        (6)  Whew!
D Side scissors with legs             (17)  Whew
E Ring Rows                               (42) DAGGUM!!!

My time was 25:58.  From this side of the workout, it wasn't so bad.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dag-Gum Dharma

I recently responded to a potential client's email.  Gist of it is, he is suffer from some sort of neurological imbalance.  Doctors can not figure it out, natural healers have not had any luck.  Can I help?

Sooner or later, these folk hear about the school or me and our "amazing talent for curing".  (I am pretty sure I know who is spreading these vicious rumors and they are getting such a pinch.)  They contact us and I find it painful to read through their complaints.  Makes me want to curl up on the couch with kitties and sleep...for a year.

I believe before you can be cured of anything, you first have to understand one factor of our society.  The human life is distilled down to a unique set of numbers that reside in a cell on a spreadsheet.  That spreadsheet controls our lives, makes us work hard and then overtime.  We waste our health on making sure we are not deleted from our special cell on the spreadsheet

Most of my students have joined at this state, something is not quite right, and the experts are dumbfounded. And many students have found relief from their ailments, (not just postponing the inevitable, but actually reversing the downward spiral.)  And in typical human fashion, they blame me.

And when I call them on this behavior, they respond with "you're the exception".


That  may work in your world, but in the real world (my world thank you very much) I am not the exception.  I am the norm.  So what I am about to say is going to go over every one's head, but someday when you reach my level, you'll see that I am right.

Here goes (I'll use small words), there is nothing special about me.  I am simply a brute.  A brute with enough tools to help you.  You simply have to desire it.  You will do all the learning, working, recovering, and crying.  You have all the secrets to your "cure".

When you find yourself lost in the darkness, you'll find me.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tough times don't last...

At some points in our life, it is like waking up to the aftermath of a battle.

I try to inspire by living the Way of the Warrior.  My example is not enough for most people and they wish to understand it better.

I understand and could recommend a whole library of books.  But just take this simple viewpoint.

When the universe conspires against you and drives you to one knee, just remember this.

I do not look down to see how close the ground is, I look up...and smile.

All obstacles before me, no matter how great or how many, become blades of grass in my mind's eye.
When you can master this simple technique, you are a warrior.

Now draw your sword and rise.  Be the gardener you were meant to be.
