Breakfast: Mocha and donuts
Lunch: X-large pizza with 42 ounce soda pop
Snack: Whopper with Diet coke
Dinner: Celery stick
Yeah...um no. First you must promise no drastic changes to your current diet. Kthanx.
I do not count sugars and caffeine as part of the equation. Yes they give you energy, but do so by supercharging the Adrenal system. If you think sugar crashes are bad, try adrenal system failure. This takes time, but can be serious to one's health.
I wish to talk about the types of calories: Proteins, Carbs and fats. FATS! "Dude, I am already fat. I don't need any more."
So let's start with FATS. In simplest terms, fats are the grease that make our engines move. They are transformed into hormones, into lubrication for the joints and so on. Fats are the energy we use while we sleep. Diet recommendations are anywhere from 15 to 30 percent of your calories come from fats. This varies due to the activities involved. Couch sitting is 15 percent max, working construction more like 30%.
Also, women will need less fat than men. Genetically, women will convert energy to stored fat for pregnancies. Sorry ladies, genetics. As for men, we tend more toward protein storage. It takes a lot of muscle to hunt down those Saber-toothed bunnies.
Fat, huh? We spend time trimming this stuff off our porkchops and prime rib and carefully piling it up on the furthest part of the plate. Now we have to stuff that greasy glop between some bread and eat it? NO! And if you were considering this, An Ick on you.
Nuts. I found nuts are the best way to ingest the fat you need. I know this does not help if you are allergic to nuts, but there are many forms of "natural" fats to be found. Find one that works best for you. Figure about half your fat intake from nuts and you should be set.
So let's say you need 30% of fat in your diet because you are so badass. That is 900 calories based on your 3000 calorie level. Now 1 gram of Fat = 9 calories. So divide 900 by 9 leaves you with 100 grams of fat. And if you get half that from the rest of your diet, you only need 50 grams of fat from nuts. I know this seems excessive, but check this out. Cashews, the yummiest of all nuts, has 16 grams of fat per 1/4 cup. 3/4's of a cup supplies you with your needs. That is like six handfuls. Pretty easy and you can just munch on them throughout the day.
Now this is just a guideline and whitewashed to appear easy. Your diet will be more complicated, but if you maintain awareness, it is easy to adjust.
Adjustments to make. Well, if you find too much fat in your diet, just cut back on the nuts or the higher sources of fat. Indications are easy to spot, burgeoning waistline, thicker thighs, glutier glutes.
On the opposite end, if you are fat deficient, you will notice more joint achiness, lower energy when resting, and hormonal swings.
Yeah, I know people severely overweight tend to suffer the same ailments. But be serious, if you are morbidly obese just start moving. Any movement will burn calories and this is where we all start. It is just some of us have never had the challenge of living with a 100+ extra pounds.
Back on topic. So like mechanical systems, remember to keep your fat intake up so we can move smoothly and continue are upward climb to optimum health.
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