Thursday, July 21, 2011

Just Cuz I can


Here is a KILLA for y'all.

This is a Super MAXX workout.

3 rounds, each round
to max out the exercise.                                                My Numbers

Pushups (sub, on parallettes)                                           16-17-21
Goblet Squats (with 35 lbs)                                              50-18-18
Wrestler Situp                                                                 25-24-26
Ring Rows (Subbed pullups)                                              7-6-8
Leg Lifts (Wish i could have subbed someone else's legs)  31-14-19

So round 1, go through all the exercises and max out.  Same for round 2 and 3

Oh, and I did not forget my weight vest this time.  18lbs just for giggles.

If you finish early, treat yourself to "Cappy America"

Get'um Killas


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