Monday, July 25, 2011

Hertz Donut workout

Can barely type this out:

100 Jump Rope (2lb rope)
     3 rounds of:
         10 Ring dips
         10 Box Jumps (24" Box)
         10 Knees to Elbow

100 Jump Rope (2lb rope)
     3 rounds of:
         10 Straight Leg Kick (each side)
         10 Cross Behind Squats (total)
         10 Burpees

100 Jump Rope (2lb rope)
     3 rounds of:
         10 Squats
         10 Wrestler Situp
         10 Pushups
 And I wore my cool 18lb weight vest and no puking.  YAY ME!!!!

It took me 18:46 to finish, but kept seeing stars near the end.  Boo!

Good luck

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Just Cuz I can


Here is a KILLA for y'all.

This is a Super MAXX workout.

3 rounds, each round
to max out the exercise.                                                My Numbers

Pushups (sub, on parallettes)                                           16-17-21
Goblet Squats (with 35 lbs)                                              50-18-18
Wrestler Situp                                                                 25-24-26
Ring Rows (Subbed pullups)                                              7-6-8
Leg Lifts (Wish i could have subbed someone else's legs)  31-14-19

So round 1, go through all the exercises and max out.  Same for round 2 and 3

Oh, and I did not forget my weight vest this time.  18lbs just for giggles.

If you finish early, treat yourself to "Cappy America"

Get'um Killas


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Slogicon workout

Well, here goes;

The Slog Workout.

500 Jump Ropes (Sub in 2lb jumprope)
100 Squats
100 Wrestler Situps
50 Pushups

Oy!  That is insane!  No, not really.  Here is the deal.  I have listed the total effort, you choose how you are going to do it.

You can do one round of 500/100/100/50

or five rounds

or ten.

Your choice.  I did it in one round once.  (never again)

My numbers are:  200/40/40/20

Took me 13:41 minutes to do this.  Oh, and I "conveniently" left the weight vest at home.

Good luck with it and do post times to shame me. 


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Easy workout for y'all

Here you go, easy one so you can feel butch too.

As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes.  I did six.

50 Jump ropes (I subbed a 2lb rope in)
5 Ring Rows (I subbed kipping pullups)
10 Pushups (Yeah, i know, I used Paralettes so I could go deeper)
15 Squats (um...nothing here)

Oh, I also wore an 18 pound weight vest.

Good luck,


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Now, I give you...a carb's story.

Now we can learn all about carbohydrates.

If you do the chemistry on proteins and fats, you will find you do not really need the carbs.  The body can produce energy from these types of intake.

"YAY!  Jerky and pork rinds for everyone!"  Yeah, um NO!

Carbs range from simple (fruits and vegies) up to complex (starches and grains.)  Classifications are confusing since scientist rewrite the definitions constantly.  No wonder diets are all screwy.

Best way to understand is to learn about Monosaccharides,  Disaccharides, Damn-imissedmyride, and Oligosaccharides.  Yeah, I'll stick to the small words thank you very much.

Immortal Peach
In my world, I think of simple carbs as items easier to digest and convert energy from; apples, bananas etc.  Complex carbs take longer to digest and hold more vitamins, minerals and good stuff for you.  Yes, I know you say alcohol is a simple carb, but I do not include this or refined sugars as a simple carb.  These items may give you a great sugar buzz, but are not helpful for training purposes.

So, what and when do I eat?  Good question.

Fruits, Vegetables and grains.  I tend toward more fruit and grains due to ease of use, but vegetables when I can.  This is another chemistry challenge for you.  Start with fruits in the morning (or vegetables) and then add in grains and then more protein toward night.

Also, depends on what is coming up in your training.  Easy workout, then fruits.  If you are running a marathon, maybe carb up with some heavy pasta two days before to prepare.  Heavy pastas or refined carbs take more energy to process, but will fully saturate your system for heavy workouts.  Down side is the coma effect of so much processing.

The best way to figure out why carbs to eat, is make a list of all your favorite carbohydrates (sans beer, soda pop, fruit loops) and check out the stats on these foods. There are many calorie counters out there, but I found to be a better source.

As for how much, use carbs to fill in around protein and fat.  You may even find yourself reducing fat and adding carbs for a particular belt test coming up.  That is okay.

Through constant diligence, you will become your own best judge and learn to effective modify your diet for the days ahead.

Good luck,
