So a student asked me the other day "how many pushups do I do a day?"
Not an easy answer. I really do not believe in a daily discipline. It is more like a monthly discipline and let me explain why.
First off, Sunday is the only day I do not workout. No pushups, no squats, no nothing...I am too busy cleaning, laundry-ing, hauling and whatever else the house needs to stay "clean". When you have five cats you never really have a "clean" house. You just swim against the avalanche.
Now on two other days, I do minimal teaching and forms so my numbers are between 10 to 20 of each.
On my main teaching days and minor workout days, I do from 50 to 60 on average. (half of that with a weight vest.)
I know you are thinking that is a lot of pushups, or wrestlers, or squats. These are variations, like squats for instance; I sub in Kettle Bell Swings, or side squats, or lunges, or etc.
Fridays, after teaching, our my workouts or as one student dubbed them "MEGA workouts" These last from 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours. I rotate through them every week and two of them do not have any pushups whatsoever. (Endurance Punch/Kick and Bag training and Iron bone conditioning...they still hurt though)
The weight vest (35lbs) workout has roughly 200 reps in it. Yeah, that is regular workout with 20% of my body weight added on. Why? Just move on to the next paragraph.
Black Belt conditioning is 6 black belt workouts in a row. That one is around 330 reps per body area.
On average, I do about 1310 reps a month (1310 pushups, 1310 squats, etc.) So per day, I average 43.7 reps each exercise. I tell you that 0.7 rep is a BITCH!!!
And this is just to maintain my current level of fitness. Two years ago, before I had to find employment, I was doing more than double this amount.

So next time you wonder what it is like to be me, remember these three things; little thought, discipline to get out of bed in the morning, high pain threshold (except for paper cuts).
good training,