Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Boning up on health

I pose you a question; what if I had a pill for you.  It would protect you from illness.  You would never get sick, get cancer and never suffer from the sniffle of allergies.  Pretty cool, right?

And this magic pill had only one side effect...frail bones.

It would be great to never be sick again, but you couldn't lift a gallon jug without snapping the bones in your arm.

Oh come on, there is no such get on to the post.

Actually, there are drugs like this.  They will protect you from one ailment at the cost of your health.  We seek ways around what is really necessary...working out.

There is no substitute.  No pill, no fat loss system, no meditation that can produce the same results as constantly stressing our systems.

Working out is a great way for improving one's health and stamina, but what about bone strength?  Bone Strength?  You do not strengthen bones like you do muscles.  Dufus!!!

No you don't.  Strengthening bones comes from repeated trauma along the length of the bone.  Meaning if you walk, you will be strengthening the lower half of the Tibia and Fibia.  The more you can jar the bones and then rest, the stronger they become.

WHAT?! This is all to easy.  Why don't more people do this?

It takes time and effort.

I train in a specific protocol called Iron Bone Conditioning.  It starts with striking a heavy bag to build the bones, then you progess to the Makiwara (a board wrapped with padding.)  Then to wooden beams and then concrete. 

By Mike Deodato
Imagine having bones as strong as Wolverine's adamantium bones.  Nearly unbreakable.  How cool would it be to jump off the roof with your great grandchildren and not shatter every bone from your ankles to halfway up your spine.

Crazy you say, I have spent more than three decades practicing Iron Bone.  Students shake their heads as they watch me punch beams and cinder-block walls. 

Like anything else, this takes time and continual effort.  Time to start your training is now.

Oh, and no grandbabies were hurt in the typing of this blog.


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