Spent the last three days working in the sun, and the heat, lifting heavy things. Eyes are tired and still blinking out sawdust from all the heavy framing lately.
I will no longer complain about the 300 pound beams I have been moving. We had four to move that weighed over 600 pounds. One topping in at 760 pounds. Most of the movement was simple lift, swing and drop. Lift, swing and drop. All this work has reinforced my training. Proper technique, good breathing and awareness make the work more efficient, never easy.
I recently watched Ip Man with Donnie Yen and realize the parallels in our lives. I had a lot of time to train and perfect my techniques. Now, I must work again, grueling work. I look for opportunities to test out my training and gain new awareness. As for fighting the Japanese and being considered the greatest master of Wing Chun...not happening.

No matter. Life goes on and I will continue to spend every minute training, whether I am at work, school, play, or just trying to get out of bed in the mornings.
I'll see you all soon in the workouts.
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