Friday, December 16, 2011

I haz a sick!

I have the sniffles, I am sick
I am fuzzy headed, I am sick
I weigh 600 lbs, I am sick
I feel the cold inside, I am sick.

Yeah yeah yeah, I know.  Be man, tough out these little imbalances.

It is this attitude that weakens us.  Guess what? You are not soldiers, let alone warriors.  When I notice these imbalances showing up, I adjust my living patterns.

I start with eating patterns.  "What?!" around Christmas with all that eggnog and alcohol and cookies and what ever the fourth part of that food group is.  Yes!  Is it easy, NO!  Does it suck?  YES!  But what sucks worse is being out of balance and sick for a week.

Resting patterns are next.  This is really NOT easy for me.  3 to 4 hours of sleep and I am off and running.  When the imbalances show up, I am a restless sleeper.  Brain says to shut down and sleep.  Body is twitchy due to all the little viruses BITING ME!!!  So I take my moments to calm and rest.

Training patterns.  This is to easy so I'll skip to the next one.

Socializing patterns.   I am already antisocial, but still need to put in appearances for the Christmas card aspect.  But does anyone realize how many socials they have and how stressful they are.  You need to dress appropriately and wear the proper masks.  And keeping up with all the gossip? 

So pay attention and respect your body or...later, your body just might start disrespecting you.

Good luck,

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

It's challenging to remain in balance over the holidays! The sugary foods, the extra cocktails, and all those social obligations can be killer.