Watching their legs shake like a newborn Colt after holding Horse Stance for a record breaking 15 seconds.
Trying to swing the dreaded Nunchuks as far away from their bodies as possible.
and yes, sparring.
I give a great spiel about how sparring is not deathmatch combat, but rather an exercise in strategy. Everyone nods in agreement and then...the clobberfest begins.
The newbies grab, elbow, claw, stomp and when I see the kitchen sink go flying by, I yell "TIME!" They drag themselves away from the carnage saying things like, "I thought I was in shape", and "I gotted stomped" and etc.
I stand there with my instructor's face impassive, but giggling hysterically on the inside. There will be tales at the water color how they valiantly fought with every ounce of their skill against that savage black belt. I can see their perspective, but what I saw was their own struggle against themselves.
Black belts will often face lower ranks at half speed or even quarter speed to practice new strategies. We realize that anyone we face in a "fight" will defeat themselves quite easily. We do not have to do much, maybe a little stank eye to make our opponent more edgy.
When I look at newbies, I see myself. I see the first time I suffered in Horse Stance, the first time I sounded the musical key of G off my elbow with a Nunchuk. And of course, the first time I sparred. At the time it was not funny, but I can now see the humor in my actions, and reactions.
A long time ago, I had the opportunity to train with the Grandmaster of the Shotokan system. Grandmaster Oshima told us then, "One should always train with the eye of a Grandmaster, and the heart of a White Belt."
I took this to mean that every day, I should learn something. Everyday, I need to challenge myself in some way. And wonder what if the school is attacked by Ninja. Yeah, I know you think this. I don't mind saying though. I'd lay some chopsocky on them that would make anyone think twice about attacking a kungfu school.
When we approach each day with the mindset of a white belt, we expand our horizons. If we shield our self in our cloak of greatness +5, we stop growing and begin to stagnant. I prefer being the beginner, nowhere but up from there.
Good sparring to you,

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