Ever since I was old enough to read, I have heard about the yearly flu epidemic. And, OH NO, there is not enough vaccine to go around. This just boggles the mind.
So there are two problems to point out here. Number one, we need to hire someone capable of advanced math ciphering to deal with the lack of vaccines. For example, last year we had 40 million vaccines and we were 10 million short. OK, by my reckoning, let us make 50 millions vaccines (plus 5 percent extra). That is some right powerful arithmetiking.
So the lack of proper planning is causing these epidemics. Sounds easy to solve, and the vaccine makers get a hefty return on their investment. But this lack of preparation goes down to the base level, us. We rely on medicines to cure us of the winter ills. Huge mistake on our part. We believe medicine is available when we need it, but what we really take is drugs. Drugs cover up the symptoms until we eventually recover. These items have their time and place, but only under extreme conditions.
Worrying about your health while you are sick is like checking the lights in your home during a blackout. Kinda useless, kinda dumb…well really stupid. Health is a state of being we need to consider ever time we work out, rest, eat, and play. I see people in great shape, with six pack abs, running all day, and even some kick-ass yoga instructors, succumb to the flu. There is no way I can compete with them in their arena, and yet, one little virus knocks them to their knees.
Lemme repeat myself, health is a state of being. We need to learn our rhythms and adapt to changes so we can maintain our health. We have to be vigilant on a physical, mental and spiritual level. Any one of these items go out of balance and we open the door to illness.
In training the three aspects of self; body, mind and spirit, we develop awareness. Awareness of self only comes from constant training, expanding our boundaries and listening to our aspects. In this way, we can sit back from the incompetence of the whole and rap our canes against the floor in disapproval. Knowing, that we are healthy and whole as individuals first.
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