Saturday, May 11, 2013


AIYA!!!  Training has been rough this year.  The healing continues, but the body cannot really handle the Chaos workouts.  I decided to rehab myself through training.

Constantly changing the workouts to force my body adapt created negative gains.  Sometimes it took a whole week to recover.  So back to basics.

Everyday I hit my rehab workout and try to increase the numbers.  Once I hit forty, off to the next exercise.

Friday's workout was the best I felt in a long time.  Totally crushing the numbers.  Here it is if you wish to give it a whirl.  Just need like 8 minutes.

300 Jump Ropes
22   Ring Rows
40   Leg Lifts
40   Squats
27   Pushups
40   Wrestlers
38   Kettle Bell Swings (45lbs)
2 sets of 10 Gripper Crush @ 120lbs
3 sets of 10 Gripper Crush @ 80lbs
and finish with 11 Back Bends.

I am reaching for 40 reps non stop.  That is the key here, not stopping.

Oh, and I sort of did the "OX" to warm for this. 

50 Squats
25 Pushups
50 Wrestlers.

Best of luck,
