40 Pushups
50 Wrestlers (Situps)
10 Pullups (yes, you have to smile)
500 Jump Ropes
100 Leg Lifts (or 200 Alternating)
100 pair of Mountain Climbers
100 KBS (Kettlebell Swings) minimum 15 lbs
100 Thrusters minimum 20 lbs (They are a cross between a squat and military press with dumbbells)
You can do these in any order and any amounts. i.e. you can do 100 jump ropes, the 20 pushups, then 10 pullups, etc. You keep going til you hit the numbers above. Oh, and don't lose count, especially on the thrusters.
and the kicker is, every minute do 10 squats.
Here are my totals:
40 Pushups
50 Wrestlers
10 Pullups (I did not smile)
500 Jump Ropes with 2lb rope
100 Leg Lifts (with growly face)
100 pair of Mountain Climbers
25 KBS (Kettlebell Swings) 45 lbs
50 Thrusters minimum 50 lbs
oh, and 280 GD squats.
Yes, I failed. :(

This workout receives the "you make bunny cry" award. It is pretty savage and the more you push, the harder it gets.