You have a 30 minute time limit. Should be plenty
At each level A thru E you need to complete a total of 80 reps in four rounds (i.e. all your "A" exercise need to total 80 max). My numbers are in Parenthesis. Each round 1 thru 3 is done to your max and then you move on. No rest and then restart the exercise. You can rest in between rounds and even in between different exercise, but remember your time limit. It goes really fast.
Round 1
A One-arm Pushups-Total of Left and right arm (18)
B Squats (40)
C Wrestlers (32)
D Alternate Leg Lifts-both legs count as one set (25)
E Pullups (12)
Round 2
A Pushups (28)
B Side Squats-Total each leg (20)
C Crunches (Wrestlers with out the hand support) (22)
D Leg Lifts (30)
E Ring Rows (16)
Round 3
A Diamond Pushups (18)
B Frog Jumps (12)
C Wrestlers (20)
D Hanging Knees to Chest (8)
E Pullups (10)
Yeah, arms are not to happy right now. Now round 4, where we finish out the 80 count.
Round 4
A Vertical Fist Pushup (16) Whew!
B Front Lunge-Total both legs (8) Whew!
C Superman rolls (6) Whew!
D Side scissors with legs (17) Whew
E Ring Rows (42) DAGGUM!!!

My time was 25:58. From this side of the workout, it wasn't so bad.