Thursday, December 4, 2008

How the mighty fall

Oh dudes...

It is the really small things in the life that seem to kick my butt. About a month ago, I caught a little bug. Congested, coughy, sneezy, itchy eye type thing. Lasted a few days, but the worse was losing my stamina. Nearly a month later, i still have a slight cough...(Free to a good home, any takers) and still no stamina.

This is why I despise illness of any kind. My family and relatives believe in the equation of the older you get, the weaker you become. Being the Black Sheep, i believe different. The older, the excuses. I see illness as a warning sign that there is a weakness in my being. Not so much body weakness, but weakness in my vigilance of mind or spirit. Still working these bugs out. PUN intended.